The Multi grade filter is a depth filter which performs at a substantially higher specific flow rate than conventional filters. It makes use of coarse and fine media mixed together in a fixed proportion. This arrangement produces a filter bed with adequate pore dimensions for retaining both large and small suspended particles. It has been successfully producing a filtrate with less than 2 ppm. This filter performs at a substantially higher specific flow rate than conventional filters. The Multigrade filters are available from flow rate of 6m3/hr. To 200 m3/hr.
The multigrade filter is a perfect choice for all applications where a conventional sand filter is used. It is extensively used in water treatment, Iron removal filtration, side stream filtration of cooling water.
Higher specific flow rate than conventional down flow sand filters thereby saving in space and cost.
Less backwash water requirement.
Raw water can be used for backwash.
Very little maintenance required.
One vertical cylindrical mild steel pressure vessel with dish ends painted internally with anti corrosive bituminous paint and externally with red oxide primer. One set of internal water distribution and collection system. One set of frontal pipe work and valves Two pressure gauges to monitor head loss across the filter. Maximum/minimum operating pressure will be 3.5kg./cm. And 2.0 kg/cm respectively.